Decoding BOI: Understanding Your Filing Obligations

Martin Kamenski
March 8, 2024
minute read

Navigating the world of business compliance can be complex, especially when it comes to understanding Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) filings. This comprehensive guide aims to decode the intricacies of BOI, clarify who needs to file it, and address common misconceptions. With OwnerFile as your resource, gaining a clear understanding of your BOI obligations becomes more straightforward.

What is Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)?

Beginning on January 1, 2024, many companies in the United States will have to report information about their beneficial owners, i.e. individuals who directly or indirectly own or control the company. They will have to report the information to the Financial Crimes

Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or risk penalties and possible jail time. The purpose of collecting BOI is to ensure transparency in business operations, preventing illegal activities like money laundering and fraud.

Who Needs to File BOI?

There are primarily two categories of businesses obligated to disclose their beneficial ownership information to FinCEN: those based in the U.S. and those from abroad. Domestic reporting companies include corporations, LLCs, and other entities that have received authorization to operate from a state or Native American tribe. On the other hand, foreign reporting companies are corporations, LLCs, or similar entities originating from outside the U.S. These must have legal recognition in their home country and must be authorized to conduct business in the U.S. through state or Tribal documentation.

If your business was established or granted permission to operate via official documentation from a state or Native American Tribal authority (like from a secretary of state), you are required to report, unless your business falls under one of the exemptions. The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) outlines 23 types of entities exempt from this requirement. For a comprehensive, list and more details on the reporting requirements, you can refer to FinCEN's FAQs regarding the disclosure of ownership information. 

Common Misconceptions about BOI Filings

  1. Misconception: All Businesses Must File BOI. In reality, BOI filing requirements vary based on specific criteria. Not all businesses are subject to these regulations. That said, while there are 23 different types of exemptions to the filing requirement, it’s estimated that almost 9 out of every 10 US businesses will have to file.
  2. Misconception: BOI Filings are a One-Time Requirement. BOI filings need to be updated when certain changes occur within the business. This could be any change to the information previously submitted such as a change of business address, adding or removing a beneficial owner, or a change to any of their information.
  3. Misconception: BOI Filings are Only for Large Corporations. While it's true that some larger corporations have these obligations, many small and medium-sized enterprises are also subject to BOI filings. “Large operators” are actually one of the 23 possible exemptions. If you’re curious about the definition of “large operator” and whether your business meets any of the possible exemptions, take our quick assessment here. 

How OwnerFile Simplifies Your BOI Filing Obligations

OwnerFile emerges as a powerful tool in simplifying and clarifying the BOI filing process:

  1. Assessment Tool: OwnerFile offers a free tool to assess whether your business is required to complete a BOI filing, taking the guesswork out of compliance.
  2. Guidance and Support: With OwnerFile, you have access to expert guidance and support, helping you understand and meet your filing obligations accurately and efficiently.
  3. Automated Processes: OwnerFile automates much of the filing process, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring timely submission.

OwnerFile: Your Knowledgeable and Helpful Resource

OwnerFile doesn’t just provide a platform for compliance; it serves as an educational resource. By staying informed about the latest regulations and offering clear explanations, OwnerFile positions itself as a knowledgeable ally for businesses navigating BOI filings. We’re here to support you all year, and will automatically send you email updates with any changes to this legislation or requirements as they arise.

OwnerFile Simplifies the Filing Process and Provides the Year-Round Support you Need 

Understanding your BOI filing obligations is crucial for maintaining compliance and the integrity of your business. With the complexities and nuances involved, having a resource like OwnerFile can make a significant difference. OwnerFile not only simplifies the filing process but also provides the knowledge and support needed to navigate these obligations confidently. Embrace the clarity and ease that OwnerFile brings to your compliance journey, and ensure that your business is always on the right side of regulation. Register your company today.